May 14, 2018

May 2018 News

Now Offering Summer Pre-K!

Cultured Kids Club is offering Spanish, French, and Chinese immersion preschool/kindergarten summer language programs. Classes will run June through August. Families can choose between a one day per week program and a two day per week program. We focus on kindergarten readiness as well as hands-on language learning with native pronunciation! If you are looking for a fun and engaging activity for your child this summer, learn a new language!

Fête de la Victoire

Fête de la Victoire is celebrated in France on May 8. It marks the end of World War II in Europe. Many people attend parades or church services to celebrate the Allied Force's victory. It is a national holiday in France, much like Labor Day is in the United States. One important symbol of this holiday is the French flag. Its colors are displayed in banners around the country. Flags of all European nations and the European flag are also displayed at some ceremonies as a symbol of the ongoing peace and unity of Europe.

Chinese Camp

Chinese Camp is designed to teach children not only the Chinese language but also the cultures of five different Chinese speaking countries! 

During each day of Chinese camp, students learn about native foods, animals, songs, games, idioms, capitals, cities, leaders, artists, geography and landmarks all reflecting the country of the day! Have you ever danced the tea-picking dance or tried Taiwanese boba naicha? Have you ever played Jian Zi or worn a traditional Tang Zhuang or a kebaya? Here at Chinese Camp, kids will learn about these cultural items and many many more! 

All week, students learn and respond in Chinese through fun indoor and outdoor engaging activities. For example, when making snow cones, we discuss flavors, opposites, colors, like,  and dislikes. Through our art projects, students learn family members, animals, nature, emotions, and actions. With our native Chinese games, students learn numbers, greetings, how to ask questions and imagination. 

Cultured Kids Club provides children the early opportunity to learn a foreign language through fun and spontaneous interactions, building their foreign language vocabulary just like a native speaker. 

July 16 - 19, 1 - 3 p.m. 
@ the CKC Westerville Center

Pricing: $120 per student

Register Today!

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